
#Greferenum after: #Merkel spoke of solidarity, is this a joke? (Was it Mr. Schauble who had asked for banks closure?) this is was NYT revealed

0,,18507398_303,00After the smashing NO of the Greek referendum, Greece’s people have much more than before an established belief that the country’s euro-“partners” have no intention of helping this Greece. Or, at least, this Greece by this (leftist) governmenet , which the eurolenders definitely dislike.

“There is no base of new negotiations, and solidarity is needed from both sides” Angela Merkel said today, on the greferendum-after euro-summit

But is this a joke?

It is almost half a year now, that the hope for which Alexis Tsipras was elected on January, has been unstopably canceled by the European creditors’ side, multiple times a day, every single day, since Alexis was elected . Today, it is true, Greeks have been left with no traces of hope for a more altruistic, humanitarian, or at least, fair stance form the European side.

And it is almost proved , that there hasn’t been any  such intention from Euro creditors ever.


Here is how this was unveiled recently

It was just two days before the referendum in Greece , while the Greek’s agony, mass mind torture and mass despair, were rising on the peak, by closed banks frightening as never before the daily life in every single Greek household, and while the armed missinformation propaganda was chocking any thought of democratic freedom , when NYT decided to publish the true story, word-by-word, that led Greece to its worst No-way-out.

It was exactly just on time, two days before the referendum, that the Greek heart had started to overcome the foggy laid set up of misleading information , the scary blackmailing quotes of European aders and Greek exleaders claiming that a no would be a Grexit d nothing else, and also,  it was the moment that Greeks, and especially the veterans Greeks had  found the courage to stand on the line for 50 euros daily, -the most lucky of them-, or 120 weekly the pensioners-, but not minding at all for these moments, since the brave Greek heart had awakened Greek mind and had let them see beyond that presend foggy shade. Greeks looking straight to the clear blue sky and Greece’s horizon decided  to say a brave NO to the world.

None could deny, of course,  that the shock of the banks’ closure , which was scheduled to last throughout the pre-referendum week , and after, was not of the best sufficient tools to scare the Greek public on real terms, picturing a humble tomorrow, for all the Greek families in case they would vote for the NO, as the Euro creditors would see it, while they were keeping reassuring that this was it: You vote NO, that’s what your life is going to be, and worst….

But the NYT article, on July 3, surprisingly revealed on its article 48hs before the 5th of July referendum, that this was what W.Schaublhad suggested on the last nightmarish- for Greece eurogroup, when also, the “Take it or reave it” ultimatum was said straightly to Yianis Varoufakis, shamelesssly, in forn of all the Euro finance ministers in a supposted to be United Europe financila summit.

..Yanis, if you keep talking about the debt, a deal will be impossible, Mr. Dijsselbloem said, according to people who were briefed on the exchange between the two men.

Mr. Schäuble began criticizing Mr. Moscovici, the senior European Commission official, over his positive comments regarding the Greek offer.

Even the latest proposal from the creditors was too lenient toward the Greeks, Mr. Schäuble argued, saying that he saw little chance that he could get it past the German Bundestag, the national parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The only solution here is capital controls, he said, his voice rising.

But Mr. Varoufakis persisted on the issue of Greece’s staggering debt load, ignoring the admonitions of Mr. Dijsselbloem and others.

Then Mr. Varoufakis turned on Christine Lagarde, the French director of the I.M.F.

Five years ago, the fund had given its blessing to the first bailout, doling out loans alongside Europe despite internal misgivings that Greece would be in no position to repay them.

Now the I.M.F. was pushing Greece to sign up to yet another austerity program to access more loans even though the fund had now concluded that their initial misgivings were correct: Greece’s debt was unsustainable.

I have a question for Christine, Mr. Varoufakis said to the packed hall: Can the I.M.F. formally state in this meeting that this proposal we are being asked to sign will make the Greek debt sustainable?

Yanis has a point, Ms. Lagarde responded — the question of the debt needs to be addressed. (A spokesman for the fund later said that this was not an accurate description of the exchange.)

But before she could explain, she was interrupted by Mr. Dijsselbloem.

It’s a take it or leave it offer, Yanis, the Dutch official said, peering at him through rimless spectacles.

In the end, Greece would leave it.

And not only.

Greek bravery would win , though  Yianis would have become, 10 days later,  a “Minister No More”.

But it was not only this part of the harsh european manner towards Greece, of these latest words to Yianis Varoufis   that set fire on the Greece- and- its -creditros relationships that led to the referendum. 0n the same article of  the NYT , the whole proceedure, and intention, of a non agreement  is unveiled

…That Monday, June 22, Greece’s technical team in Brussels submitted an eight-page proposal to their counterparts. The paper was an effort to bridge a six-month divide on how Greece planned to sort out its future finances.

For political reasons, the Tsipras government had said it would not cut pensions or do away with tax breaks that favored businesses serving tourists on the Greek islands. Instead, the new Greek plan envisaged a series of tax increases and increases in pension contributions to be borne by corporations.

The initial response seemed positive. Both Pierre Moscovici, a senior finance official at the European Commission who is known to be sympathetic toward Greece, and Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the head of Europe’s working group of finance ministers who is one of Greece’s harshest critics, said on Tuesday that the plan was promising.

The Greek team was elated. For the first time, the Greek numbers were adding up.

The next morning, though, that optimism evaporated.

Greece’s creditors — the I.M.F., the other eurozone nations and the European Central Bank — sent the Greek paper back and marked it in red where there were disagreements.

The criticisms were everywhere: too many tax increases, unifying value-added taxes, not enough spending cuts and more cuts needed on pension reforms.

The Greek team couldn’t believe it. The creditors had seemed to dial everything back to where the talks were six months ago….

The specific NYT’s article, indeed, reading it back again, -from today’s point of reality, where Europeans find Again Greece’s negotiation role as inadequate-,  is sheding light to thuth behind the Eurogroup closed doors, which Europeans, probably, never wanted to be unveiled.

Apart from that, it was also around those days of 3-5 of July that IMF decided to publishize officialy its report that had assesed the Greek dept as non susstainable, early enouph, and of which the Euroleaders had been fully aware. A publication of which, the Reuters had wrote  that

 the report could distract attention from a view they share with the IMF that the Tsipras government, in the five months since it was elected, has wrecked a fragile economy that was just starting to recover.


It was the dept reduction, restructure or reform, that had made Yianis Varoufas sying, while he was Finance minister that he would better cut his hand than sign an agreement without debt reform.


Finally , Yianis sacrifised himself on the altar of a deal for Greece, but debt reform still remains as priority on the table .

This is Yianis Varoufakis’ resignation statement as he released it on Monday July  6.

The referendum of 5 July will stay in history as a unique moment when a small European nation rose up against debt bondage.
Like all struggles for democratic rights, so too this historic rejection of the Eurogroup’s 25 June ultimatum comes with a large price tag attached. It is, therefore, essential that the great capital bestowed upon our government by the splendid no vote be invested immediately into a yes to a proper resolution – to an agreement that involves debt restructuring, less austerity, redistribution in favour of the needy, and real reforms.
Soon after the announcement of the referendum results, I was made aware of a certain preference by some Eurogroup participants, and assorted “partners”, for my … “absence” from its meetings; an idea that the prime minister judged to be potentially helpful to him in reaching an agreement. For this reason I am leaving the ministry of finance today.
I consider it my duty to help Alexis Tsipras exploit, as he sees fit, the capital that the Greek people granted us through yesterday’s referendum.
And I shall wear the creditors’ loathing with pride.
We of the left know how to act collectively with no care for the privileges of office.
I shall support fully Prime Minister Tsipras, the new minister of finance, and our government.
The superhuman effort to honour the brave people of Greece, and the famous oxi (no) that they granted to democrats the world over, is just beginning.



They say we won. Also, they confess the #GreekFiasco


They say we won. Also, they confess the #GreekFiasco.


Come down to the plazas, Alexis…

Angela Merkel sucking Alexis’ ( and Greece’s) blood on Drakoula role, by Peter Brooks, Sunday June 15, 2015

Come down to the plazas, Alexis….


Close that Deal!

Greece is coming closer to a deal with lenders, while the “torture of the drop” of a four months plus pending for a deal is continuing … Visit our updated Page 

This is Greek to me ! Stay with us 24/7


Greece makes progress with creditors as cash crunch looms – 12 News

Varoufakis on peak time of negotiations arriving at Maximos Mansion  to inform Greek PM for the updates

Greece makes progress with creditors as cash crunch looms – 12 News.

On the edge. Obviously, this is the Lenders’ side response to the Hope that Democracy let the Greeks voteon 25 January by choosing Alexis. And they successed to practicaly Haircut that hope in the terms of Greek reality, since they orchastrated to shave all the country’s cash, and keep to stick to the Euro- Agreement’s details, that are practically the main government’s Red lines. In the of the day they have fed with uncertainty the public mind and soul   adequately enough to shave off all of the Hope.

Negotiations’ progress, government’s chance to rule that country, public feeling’s breath to breath,  All have been KEPT ON THE EDGE, DAY TO DAY  during the 100+ of Alexis Tsipras.  Have a look on the latest updates .


To deal or not to deal ? Greece’s sovereignity and constitutional validity questioned on #MayDay 2015

We will prevail in our struggles to bolster and protect our rights, our and our dignity.

The courageous message the Prime Minister tweeted for the 1st of May to the Greeks and the international community comes on the moment, this year’s May Day, that Greece’s sovereignity and constitutional validity are questioned, as is the right of a folk to fight for its dignity, and not only. For its survival.

Almost three years after the Greek life has been dennounced to unbearable personal and family bleeding, by the cut on the pensions and the public salaries to percentages that exceed the 60%, the Council of State now ruled, that all this has been biasing the constitution .

The Council of State has just considered illegal and unconstitutional all the cuts made in main and supplementary pensions since the summer of 2012 till now, as well as the cut in salaries, the abolition of the 13nth salary and the zero deficit clause.  Speaking on tv, the Vice President of the Parliament and MP of SYRIZA, Alexis Mitropoulos, said that the decision would be officialy announced on Monday 4th of May, the latest.

A lot of related appeals to the Council of State have been filed by pensioners of the banking sector and the private-insurance sector till now. The  decision concerns the “genocide type” mass cut of the pensions by Antonis Samaras government  imposed since summer 2012 by the memorandum, for which, guess what, there are plans to be continued to  the peak of humiliation of the ex- middle, and now poor, class.

Of course Greeks are aware, that the 300 euros pension for all Greeks, –which is going to be irreversible if signed —is one of the lenders’ basic demand as to close the worldwide expected “agreement” with Greece, for which Angela Merckel has said “We will do everything in order to ensure that Greece will stay in the Eurozone” and, for which agreement also, President Obama has multiple times called the United Europe’s “headquarters”,  the chancellery, to undeline the agreement’s urgency to Angela Merkel.

On the way to the desired agreement, Greeks, even though used to repetitive provocations and offenses by our Euro-“partners”, they are truly shocked by the latest slaps on the country’s face, which augmented last week the provocative singance from the european lenders’ side towards Greece, and touched also on “national soverignity” issues and barriers, as an exclusive enikonomia report revealed

After the President of the Eurogroup Jeroun Dijssebloom openly  boasted to the international community that he, personally, had  “dissmised” Yianis Varoufakis, an official paper was reportedly addressed to the IMF concerning Greece,  suggesting  that the International Monetary Fund needs to develop an effective strategy on redusing the opportunity for creditor countries to intervene in decisions on how crises should be resolved ( within their sovereignity).


The suggestion concerns exactly such expressions of democracy as the Council of State decision for what uncosntitutional might mean was, by which such “effective strategies” suggested to the IMF would openly let the  IMF ignore it.

The IMF paper deals with the very  tiny edge where Greek public feeling lies on the memorandum years,  which is the public motive that brought Alexis Tsipras to power three months before, and consists of  the wide expectation of the Greek people for a Humanitarian Response governnance  that could (and should urgently) sooth the extended poverty- hit family dramas.

greek colony

Besides, “Greece is not a colony”, the Greek government was provoked to  answer to the Eurogroup Presidt’s harsh provocations earlier this week.

On Tuesday April 27, the day after the reshuffle of the Greek negotiations team announced by the Prime Minister, as to help the negotiations with the lenders reach to agreement,  the RTL channel aired the tv interview statements of the President of Eurogroup Jeroun Dijsselbloem, saying that Greece “played and lost ” with its lenders, while he explained how he asked for a Chief negotiations person from Greece’s side, who would be reporting straight to the Greek Prime Minister.

It is not e first time....February 16, 2015

….It is not the first time. “This country would not be a debt colony”, Varoufis to Dielbloem , Feb. 16, 2015

By the headline ‘Dijsselbloem sent Varoufakis away”, the RTL spread the news around the globe in a few hours, causing the furious answer of the Maximos Mansion(Greek PM’s office), that answered emphatically :

“Greece is not a colony”

“First inaccuracy”, Maximos Mansion sources reported to have stated

“The Greek Finance Minister is not sent away, and (Jeroun Disslebloom) will find him in front of his eyes. The Greek Finance Minister will be there at the next Eurogroup”.

Second inaccuracy, the  same sources added, “if, said so, the Prime Minister would have replied accordingly. “


Concernign the IMF study revealed by and signed by  James M. Boughton, a former executive of IMF,  it suggests to the Internatnal Monetary Fund that, based on Greece’s paradigm,   countries that cannot pay off their debts on time to the IMF, should have their national sovereignty revoked.

The claims that in the document, Boughton, who was working for the IMF between 1981 to 2012, analyses the exact measures that should be taken in case a state cannot pay off its financial obligations.

It was not the first  time, neither for that to be heard internationally  Greece’s sovereignity was planned to be massively limited since 2011, as Jean Claude Juncker had openly on that time stated to the European press:

“The sovereignty of Greece will be massively limited,”

Juncker told Germany’s Focus magazine four years before, months after the first memorandum was signed, and explained:

…“Experts” are now descending on the country to oversee a huge fire sale of state assets to private companies, likening the situation to post-collapse East Germany when 14,000 East German firms were sold off between 1990 and 1994….

From Greece’s mass, nobody would imagine these words had already been reality since then.

What’s worse is that politicians, and among them the Greek ones, did really know.greek proud



#Varoufakis’ meeting with Christine #Lagarde in Washington on Easter Sunday evening

Chrisitine Langarde and Yianis Varoufakis, meeting for first time at the Eurogroup meeting in Brussels

Chrisitine Langarde and Yianis Varoufakis, meeting for first time at the Eurogroup meeting in Brussels

" A Bridge, Yianis? Give me your scarf "  the "original troll" picture on the web, after the warm handshakes of YV and CL in Brussels

” A Bridge, Yianis? Give me your scarf ” the “original troll” picture on the web, after the warm handshakes of YV and CL upon their first meeting in Brussels, Feb 11, 2015

Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has traveled to Washington to meet with International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde . The crucial for Greece’s survival meeting with the Presidnt of IMF was set on Easer Sunday evening, and took place “in an empty city, and an empty building”, international correpondents wrote .

After the meeting with Yianis Varoufakis, the IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said in a statement that she welcomed his confirmation that the loan payment due would be made on schedule.

“I welcomed confirmation by the minister that payment owing to the Fund would be forthcoming on April 9th,” Lagarde said.

Following the meeting with the head of the International Monetary Fund,  the Greek Finance Minister told the press in Washington, that

‘the government plans to “reform Greece deeply” and would seek to improve the “efficacy of negotiations” with its creditors’

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis didn’t neglect to make clear to the reporters, also,  after the meeting, that Greece “intends to meet all obligations to all its creditors, ad infinitum,” seeking to quell default fears ahead of a big loan payment Athens owes the IMF later this week.

The talks come just days ahead of an April 9 deadline for Greece to repay a 450-million euro ($493.8 million) loan instalment to the International Monetary Fund. There has been concern over a possible default, which the Greek government has sought to quash.

Earlier in April, Junior Finance Minister Dimitris Mardas gave assurances on Saturday that Greece has the money; “The payment to the IMF will take place on April 9. There is money for the payment of salaries, pensions and whatever else is needed in the next week,” Mardas has said, as  Deutshe Welle had reported.

Greece is locked in negotiations with creditors over its international bailout program, and has not yet received the remaining funds in its 240-billion euro EU-IMF reserve package, with Brussels insisting it approve Greece’s new reforms.

Finance deputy ministers from the EU will meet on April 8 and 9 to try and agree on the reforms, to unlock the last tranche of the bailout.

EU officials have said that progress had been made in talks but more work was needed for a deal to be reached.

“It is necessary to restore the Greek economy’s funding flow,” Labor Minister Panos Skourletis told Greek Ependysi newspaper, accusing the country’s lenders of taking advantage of Greece’s funding limits to add pressure on Athens.

the original handshake picture before it became troll, Brussels, Februry 11

the so successful troll picture, once again

the so successful troll picture, once again

The once again contradictory impressions around Eurogroup for Greece


Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis told reporters that the meeting went well undelying that  Greece is  looking forward that technical talks over reforms would begin on Wednesday.

“There has been no time wasted, not by the Greek government….We were very speedy.”

he defined , answering to Mr. Dijsselbloom’s presentation about Greece, that there are delays.  Varoufakis also insisted that the Troika’s grip on Greece was broken for ever.

“The idea of troika visits, comprising cabals of technocrats from the three institutions in lockstep walking into our ministries and trying to implement a programme which has failed … that is a thing of the past”

The Greek government has insisted it will no longer deal with the “troika”, as the three institutions have been called in a term that is now anathema for many Greeks who associate it with massive cuts in public spending, VOA wrote, empahsising that the Greek government has said it will not tolerate irksome foreign inspection visits to Athens.

eurogroup liveIn a compromise, VOA notes, Dijsselbloem said the negotiations among financial experts from Greece and the creditor institutions –the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund — would start in Brussels on Wednesday, not in Athens as has been normal for EU bailout programs so far.

Those talks, however, would be “supported” by international teams working in Athens to obtain and check information.

Just after the meeting , the Greek government released a statement describing yesterday’s euro group as a “success”, because four key points were agreed.

These are, according to the Greek governmenet’s statement

  1. It launches the process by which the decision taken at the 20th February euro group will be enforced which is a positive step in that it marks a relaxation of the stance by the ECB towards Greece.
  2. Despite the misinformation of recent days the Greek proposals were accepted politically by the euro group.
  3. On Wednesday discussions between Greece and technical teams will begin but they will take place exclusively in Brussels and not in Athens. We remind you that the troika is a mechanism that belongs decisively to the past
  4. The institutions showed a willingness to resolve the financing problem with immediate effect.

Yianis Vatoufakis dancing rebetiko in “Eurogroup Tavern” , humorous clip art created for the critical Eurogroup of February 16, 2015, by Pitsirikos blog


Euronews reported a senior Greek government’s officer’s statement in Brussels, just after the eurogroup  saying that

The Greek government will continue enriching the list of reforms with additional proposals that it will elaborate on. The reforms will be part of a National Plan for Reconstruction and Growth.”

Varoufakis didn’ t miss the chance to clear things up  by heavily criticising part of the international  the media, over reports that he’d threatened a Greek referendum if creditors don’t accept his plans. Pure press misinformation, he declared.

I m shocked with the amount of attempts to paraphrase any single word or statement from my side. A journalist that asks a hypothetical question, insisting on it,  and then launches the answer on this hypothetical question as a statement  especially   It is such a pitty that credible media of the world have become so has reached the lowest level of journalism,

Yianis Varoufakis said in Brussels, explainig step by step how Corriere de la Siera announced to the world that the Greek government is going to elections or a referrendeum about the euro , and characterised irresponsible quite some articles and publications for Greece.

It needs true sceince to debunk misinformation about Greece's battles in Eurozone

It needs true science to debunk misinformation about Greece’s battles in Eurozone

The new left-wing Greek government, keen to show voters it is keeping election promises to break with EU-imposed austerity, has tried patience among its EU peers by arguing over the form and venue for detailed talks required to establish its needs and whether it has met conditions the creditors have set on reforms, the Voice of America article, early Wednesday morning wrote.